for me

Monday, February 21, 2005

JEV PAISEH I FORGOT TO BRING IT TODAY.. and thanks for lending me the book, thanks for trusting me with it after i keep forgetting to bring...

Saturday, February 19, 2005

I have 3 sides.. Joker. Serious. Happy-go-lucky. The joker in me is surfacing... pushing the rest down.. Is that a good thing?

YH, damn sorry for what i did to you, you may say that you dont really mind liaoz. But the deed have been done, and bad things usually dont get forgotten, especially from your friends. Maybe I am too stressed up, but that isnt a excue for doing that thing. (dont ask what it is)

Jevon, paiseh for not bringing your wc3 disc. Will bring it on monday.

Ms Tang.. Sorry I disappointed you. I did not fail, I am merely given a chance to get it right. Thanks for the chance.

I am praying hard that my joker self will be gone, er.. perhaps not we stick like glue, acoording to lang. So therefore, I hope that it will be crushed by the serious and happy-go-lucky side of me. Sound contradicting, but of course they surface at the right time.

Met my long lost good friend yesterday, or rather 2 hours ago, it was fun! We were like brothers last time, but of course time changes us bit by bit, not as close as ever, but still quite close, AT LEAST WE ARE GOING TO SWIM TOGETHER! but he's damn fit.. haiz.. feeling guilty at not exercising enough.

CCA! I decided to TRY OUT RED CROSS FIRST! IF I CAN GET THRU, that will be good! if not I will go to track.. not running but the throwing. Will miss air rifle, hope i can stay in it as a inactive member, going for camp only, or maybe 1 training a week. Zhiyang, sorry for bugging you with all the npcc question, figured out it will be tougher for me there.

Been falling asleep in class, or rather almost falling asleep and that sux to the core. Luckily, I got two nice dudes beside me to always wake me up, and joke around, mug around and ya that's all.. We do ok in class, but I still prefer my ex classmates.

CNY dinner was fun.. or rather fun because it's not boring. At least better than stoning at home. Tiring it was, exhausted am I, till today. Walter, I and Alex, Bing Wen, Jing Ping had a great time there.

Went for a talk with jev and bing wen and niang and wai sum. All very nice ppl, but haha.. wai sum nowadays getting more noisy, or maybe he's becoming like me? ITE was damn big, damn nice, and damn modern, better than RJC. haiz.. but bad luck was on us.. eunice olsen never go, if not i confirm get her autograph liaoz.. we were sitting at the row behind the VIPS. Coolio! Love some of the speakers, love their quotes, and love their dedication and passion.

Shall share their quotes with every post.

I never failed anything in my life, I was just given a second oppotunity to get it right..

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Ah.. Damn.. School gonna start. CNY was so good.. or rather I thought it was so much better than my school life. Dying under the pile of school work; go home, get pissed with myself for being such a loser to my family, always not being considerate.. always getting pissed.. Why?? I need someone to help me. tell me what's wrong.

I cant stand the feeling of being so alone.. I can't escape from the cycle.. Wake up.. Go school.. Feel alone in my class.. so many people around me, but somehow. I cant fit in.. CEC now.. have to be good.. So.. I go school with a barrier over me.. trying to satisfy my teachers and fellow classmates needs.. Then meet up with good friends.... Can't keep wearing it.. Feeling the weight of it pressing me down..

I guess I love talking to my cousins.. especially my older cousins..they go thru same things as me.. some even go thru my same teachers.. It feels good to have similarities with them.. Love IT!!

Monday, February 07, 2005

Regrets... If only..

Feeling so screwed now.. In a process of making decisions now... either i change my cca to something more interesting or i stick with air rifle and screw myself up...

If only I had train a little harder.. I would definitely go into school team.. If only I worked alittle harder.. My GPA would be better... If only I chose history or lit for my subject... I would be together with my good friends.. Life is so much of If only.. So much to think off, I dont even think about enjoying CNY.. After all it's just another festival...

Haiz.. Trying to cheer myself up now.. Talk crap with lang and elt..

Damn all my wrong decisions....

Friday, February 04, 2005

Sec 1s... Reminds me of myself 2 yrs ago...

Was at house day today... House day is definitely one thing I would remember. Looking at the sec 1s, I feel so nice with their 'enthuness', their innocent looks, or rather their blur looks.. At least, they listen to what seniors say, listen to what teachers say, at least.. they cheer loudly without complains, at least they dont have any backstabbing. So many at least, I talk as though I wanna join them.

Have a new favourite song.. Beautiful soul.

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Time.. Define it....

Went to watch a play with lang and elt. Was nice. But disgusted by some people behaviour.

I am feeling wierd.. or maybe I am wierd.. I always complain about going home late, but... why do i feel so funny when i get to go home immediately after school?

I guess I am never satisfied and that's not a good thing..

Time... my friends, is never constant.. Once I felt it was going so slow.. that I am almost unchallenged.. bored.. but now, time passes so quickly, I just feel lost at times.

Need someone to just come and guide me....

Part of the Prefect community? sound very cliche to me.... That's what Alex and some other prefects told me.. Sound very extra ah? But I like it.. cuz i get to go around with my good friends.

High expectations.. I guess that's what you get when you have a 'good' FT and you are a CEC...

My random thoughts of the week..